Staff Reporter Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Staff Reporter resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Staff Reporter resume.

Staff Reporter Resume Sample and Template
Staff Reporter Resume Sample and Template
Staff Reporter Resume Sample and Template
Staff Reporter Resume Sample and Template

How to Write a Staff Reporter Resume?

To write a professional Staff Reporter resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Staff Reporter resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Staff Reporter’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Staff Reporter resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as {a/an} Staff Reporter.
  • List your top Staff Reporter skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Staff Reporter Resume Header?

Write the perfect Staff Reporter resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Staff Reporter to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Staff Reporter resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.

Bad Staff Reporter Resume Example - Header Section

Lillian 7600 W. Bay Meadows Avenue Rochester, NY 14606 Marital Status: Married, email:

Good Staff Reporter Resume Example - Header Section

Lillian Flynn, Rochester, NY, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

For a Staff Reporter email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Staff Reporter Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Staff Reporter resume summary: Staff Reporter with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

How to Write a Staff Reporter Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Staff Reporter resume experience section:

  • Write your Staff Reporter work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Staff Reporter work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Staff Reporter).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Staff Reporter Resume Example

Staff Reporter

  • Reported from conflict zones and humanitarian hotspots.
  • Delivered comprehensive and unbiased reporting and analysis of wars and current events, emphasizing the war economy and internal and regional displacement crisis.

Staff Reporter Resume Example

Staff Reporter

  • Gathered news from local sources
  • Conducted interviews with local individuals
  • Wrote scripts for news segments
  • Presented news on-air

Staff Reporter Resume Example

Staff Reporter

  • Initiated efforts to make the paper's coverage reflective of the region's population and wrote award-winning enterprise and investigative stories.
  • Established full-time beats dedicated to communities of color for the metro, business, and features desks.
  • Reported on a series that uncovered millions in unclaimed funds from tax foreclosure auctions, leading to new city laws.

Staff Reporter Resume Example

Staff Reporter

  • Staff Reporter in various departments, focusing on suburban government, health, religion, diverse communities, and social justice issues.
  • Authored enterprise stories highlighting residents of color, fostering improved relations between communities and the paper.
  • Pioneered full-time beats in business and features dedicated to minority issues, ensuring inclusive coverage of the region's population.

Top Staff Reporter Resume Skills for 2023

  • Journalistic Writing
  • News Reporting
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Research and Investigation
  • Fact-Checking
  • AP Style Writing
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Feature Writing
  • Headline Writing
  • Photojournalism
  • Video Reporting
  • Audio Reporting (Podcasts)
  • Social Media Reporting
  • Live Reporting (On-Air)
  • Story Pitching
  • Press Release Analysis
  • Beat Reporting (Specialized Reporting Areas)
  • Data Journalism
  • Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR)
  • Understanding of Media Laws and Ethics
  • Source Cultivation
  • Online Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Mobile Journalism (MoJo)
  • Multimedia Storytelling
  • Podcast Production
  • Video Editing Software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro)
  • Audio Editing Software (e.g., Audacity, Adobe Audition)
  • Photo Editing Software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop)
  • Social Media Management Tools
  • Google Analytics
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Understanding of Content Marketing
  • Online Audience Engagement
  • Mobile Reporting Apps
  • Live Streaming Tools (e.g., Facebook Live, Periscope)
  • Understanding of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Journalism
  • Story Mapping Tools
  • Transcription Software
  • Collaboration Tools (e.g., Slack, Trello)
  • Data Visualization Tools (e.g., Tableau, Datawrapper)
  • Knowledge of Public Records and FOIA Requests
  • Understanding of Newsroom Workflow
  • Adaptability to New Technologies and Tools
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail

What Do Hiring Managers Look For in A Staff Reporter Resume?

Journalistic Integrity: Upholding ethical standards in reporting, including accuracy, fairness, and objectivity, while ensuring the veracity of the information presented to the audience.

Research Skills: Conducting thorough research on various topics, interviewing sources, gathering information, and fact-checking to provide well-informed and credible news stories.

Strong Writing Skills: Writing clear, concise, and engaging news articles, adhering to the publication's style guidelines, and presenting complex information in an easily understandable manner for readers.

Deadline Management: Meeting tight deadlines and working efficiently under pressure, ensuring news stories are submitted on time and published according to the publication schedule.

Adaptability: Being adaptable to different beats, topics, and writing styles, and being open to feedback and editorial guidance to continually improve reporting skills and journalistic quality.

How Long Should my Staff Reporter Resume be?

Your Staff Reporter resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Staff Reporter, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

Staff Reporter Resume Sample and Template
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