Bartender No Experience Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Bartender No Experience Resume Examples and Templates resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Bartender No Experience Resume Examples and Templates resume.

Bartender Resume Sample and Template
Bartender Resume Sample and Template
Bartender / Floor Manager Resume Sample and Template
Bartender/Server Resume Sample and Template
Bartender Resume Sample and Template


Bartending offers flexible, sociable work, as well as the opportunity to learn some skills that are always in demand. As a bartender, you’ll be able to meet new people and get an insider look at the food service industry, all without needing to invest time and money into a specialized degree. Even without much past experience, the right combination of skills could give you an advantage with an employer willing to invest time into training you up.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, bartending jobs are projected to increase by 18% over the coming decade. That’s a much faster growth rate than the average! The availability of bartending jobs is somewhat offset by the relatively low rate of pay for bartenders – a median average of $12.67 per hour – but bartenders may also be able to earn tips to supplement their base income.

Even with the low base wage, though, bartending work can be competitive. The combination of flexible hours and growth in the food service industry means that bartending positions often see a lot of interest when advertised. To help you get ahead of your competition for your dream bartending job, we’ve written up this guide to producing the best possible bartender resume.

That’s where we come in! We’ve provided example resume sections, advice on the dos and don’ts of resume writing, and helpful hints on how to make your resume even better. Keep reading, and your first bartending resume will land you a job in no time!

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What is Bartending?

Bartenders divide their time between serving drinks, maintaining the bar, and preparing for peak service hours. They may need to slice garnishes, clean glassware and bar equipment, clean tables, check customer ID, and call cabs for customers who need a safe way to get home. And, of course, they’ll need to serve drinks to customers – potentially including a complex range of cocktails, depending on their work environment.

As a general rule, bartending staff don’t need any special qualifications. But being able to prove that you graduated high school or obtained a degree can show a hiring manager that you have the commitment and motivation to succeed in the role. And relevant certifications, such as those proving that you are familiar with food health and safety guidelines, can give your resume a considerable boost.

You should also keep in mind that depending on the state where you work, you may need to obtain a bartending license. This will allow you to serve alcohol in compliance with the law. You should always look up your state’s licensing requirements before beginning a career as a bartender.

But broadly speaking, as a bartender, your skills will generally be much more important than your qualifications. A bartender will need to be customer-focused and organized, with great attention to detail and problem-solving skills. If you can showcase these skills on your resume, it will really stand out from the crowd.

How to Write a Bartending Resume

If you’re looking to work in bartending, but you don’t have any experience, your resume needs to tell a hiring manager two important things. The first is that you are qualified to carry out the role. The second is that you have the skills you will need to succeed.

As we’ve already discussed, bartending prioritizes skills over qualifications. This means you should ensure that your skills are at the heart of your bartending resume. When you have more experience as a bartender behind you, you can balance out your skills section with a more involved experience section.

But in the short term, you should remember that there are other ways to build experience besides getting a job. Internships and volunteer experience can all be featured on your resume, as long as they’re relevant to the role you want. They can bolster your experience section until you’ve gained more direct work experience, and can show that you can apply your skills in a working environment.

In general, a bartending resume written by someone with limited work experience should contain the following:

  • A summary
  • Your skills, including any certifications you have
  • Any experience you have
  • Your education

The Best Format for a Housekeeping Resume

When choosing your professionally-designed housekeeping resume template from our selection, remember that your resume’s format can guide hiring managers to the sections you most want them to see. Choose a format that will call attention to your strengths, while minimizing any weaknesses.

Since housekeeping, as a field, prioritizes skills over qualifications, you should choose a template that focuses on your skills. Later in your career, when you’ve built more work experience, you should consider a resume format that foregrounds your experience instead.

You should also remember that many companies use an applicant tracking system (or ATS) to sort through candidates’ resumes. This can help companies speed up their recruitment processes, but it also means that if your resume doesn’t get past the ATS software, it may never be seen by a person. ATS software usually looks for specific keywords based on the job description – so keep that in mind as you write, or you could risk losing the role before you start!

ATS software can also be thrown off by intricate resume formatting. But don’t worry – all of VisualCV’s resume templates are designed to beat ATS software. That means you can focus on the content of your resume, instead of worrying that the format will damage your chances.

3 Bartender Resume Examples

Most resumes begin with a summary – a short, to-the-point description of your best qualities. This is one of the first things a recruiter will see about you, so it’s important to get it right! And remember, your summary needs to reflect the needs of the job, so you can’t get away with using a generic summary for every application.

Summaries are particularly useful when applying for entry-level roles, because they let you call attention to your skills and qualifications when you don’t have much experience. When you have more experience behind you, you can refocus your summary so it calls attention to that, instead. 3 Bartender resume summary examples

  • Recent high school graduate with volunteer experience in serving and event catering. A hard worker, adaptable and willing to learn. Hoping to build a career in bartending!
  • Aspiring bartender with a bachelor’s degree in Communications. Flexible, organized and customer-focused, with a passion for delivering amazing service.
  • Former server hoping to move into bartending. Keen attention to detail, a strong work ethic and an outgoing, customer-focused personality.

How Not to Write a Bartender Resume Summary

Your summary needs to be clear and to the point, focusing on what you can offer your employer in the role you want. It should tell a hiring manager why you meet the requirements for the job, and it should avoid being too wordy or personal. If you want to explain why you want the job, you can do that in your cover letter instead.

Remember, some recruiters don’t agree that you need to include a summary on your resume. If you’re having a hard time getting it right, you can always leave it out.


  • I’m an enthusiastic foodie with a lifelong interest in the restaurant industry. As a student, I applied this enthusiasm to a part-time job as a waiter. Now I’m hoping to move into bartending, where I believe my customer-focused mindset and my willingness to learn will enable me to thrive.

Do You Need a Resume Objective?

A resume objective isn’t the same thing as a resume summary. Your summary should be a brief statement of the qualities that make you right for the job you want. Your objective, on the other hand, is a one-sentence statement about where you want your career to take you in the future.

Objectives are most common when applying for entry-level roles, as non-entry-level roles don’t usually need them. But as you’re applying for a job in a field where you have no prior experience, you should consider including an objective. It’s a great way to share your long-term career goals with a hiring manager, and show that you take the job seriously as a step on your career journey. Bartender Resume Objective Example

  • Aspiring bartender looking to build a career in the food service industry.

How to Describe Your Experience on Your Bartender Resume

It can be daunting to write about work experience when you don’t have a lot of it – but remember that not all experience involves paid work! If you’ve volunteered or interned in the past, that experience could help you bolster your resume. This is particularly true if it’s directly relevant to the role you want.

Describe Your Experience Effectively

First and foremost, you need to write about what you accomplished in your previous roles. Recruiters will want to see proof that you were able to get results in the past. This will give them reason to believe that you can achieve similar things again in future.

Wherever you can, try to point out specific results you achieved in previous positions. If you were able to boost profits by a particular percentage, for instance, that’s a clear benefit that you can prove you delivered. But positive outcomes without a numerical value – such as satisfied customers, praise from a manager, or faster completion times – are also very useful to include. Bartender Resume Experience Example

Do: Volunteer Waiter, Restore Charity Cafe | 2018

  • Received food and drink orders from over 100 customers every workday, then relayed them to the kitchen for timely fulfillment
  • Assisted with the cleaning and tidying of the cafe space throughout the day, ensuring a safe and sanitary customer experience
  • Delivered great customer service to all guests, encouraging a record high number of donations to the charity operating the cafe

How Not to Describe Your Experience

Don’t just write a straightforward list of the tasks you completed in previous roles! Listing your responsibilities with no further context or information won’t tell hiring managers anything about you. Remember, you need to prove that you could do your job effectively; it’s not enough to say that you did it at all.

Don’t: Volunteer Waiter, Restore Charity Cafe | 2018

  • Took customer orders
  • Cleaned and tidied cafe
  • Encouraged customer donations

How to List Skills on Your Bartender Resume

When listing skills on your resume, pay close attention to the job description of the role you’re applying for. It will usually contain a list of the skills hiring managers will be looking for. But remember that not every useful skill will be listed on every job description – so it’s useful to take the initiative and the time to research helpful bartending skills.

For general information about skills on your resume, check out our resume skills guide here!

Top Bartender Resume Skills in Demand

Bartender Hard SkillsBartender Soft SKills
Beverage serviceCustomer Service
Food serviceOrganization
Health and hygeine knowledgeProblem-solving
Bar equipment handlingTeamwork
Inventory managementFlexibility
Point-of-sale useCommunication
Physical enduranceMulti-tasking
Legal knowledge re: alcohol serviceInitiative

Professional Certifications for Bartender Resumes

Certifications show recruiters that you take your work and your professional development seriously, and that you’re willing to take the initiative to pursue them both. They’re also great evidence of your skills, which can be particularly useful when you don’t have much past work experience. If you’re able to, we always recommend pursuing a certification in your field.

Wherever you live, take the time to do some research into schools offering bartending classes. You can find a wide range of options that will meet your needs – some schools may offer online classes, while others may offer hands-on learning in person. Being able to list a bartending course on your resume will help you to stand out from the rest of the pile!

The Most Important Soft Skills for Your Bartender Resume

While bartending relies heavily on your hard skills, that doesn’t mean you should forget about your soft skills when writing your resume! They can give you a serious advantage in carrying out your day-to-day tasks in any role. And if a role is especially competitive, having the right soft skills could give you an advantage when you apply.

Here are some of the most important soft skills to include on your bartending resume!

Customer Service

Bartending is a highly social job with a lot of direct customer contact. Not only will you need to take, remember and prepare drink orders in a timely fashion – you’ll also need to deliver friendly and welcoming customer service, so that customers feel at home in your workplace. If this isn’t an area where you shine, bartending may not be the role for you!


To be as efficient as possible, you will need to attain high levels of personal organization – keeping the space behind the bar as orderly as possible. This is as much about improving your own work efficiency as it is about creating a good work environment for your colleagues. Being able to show that you’re an organized person will give you an advantage when applying for bartending jobs!


Particularly during busy times, bartending can be a real balancing act! You may need to clear lines, change barrels, and deal with broken glassware, all while responding to customers in need of drinks. A knack for problem-solving will take you far as a bartender, as a result.

Bartender Salaries

How much can you reasonably expect to earn as a bartender? Because most bartending roles don’t require any formal education, salaries for bartenders tend to be on the lower side. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median average salary of $26,350 per year (or $12.67 per hour) for bartenders.

However, if you deliver great customer service as a bartender, you may be able to benefit from customer tips. This additional income can bolster your salary in a major way over time!

It’s also worth remembering that, while entry-level bartending roles can be fairly low-paid, you may be able to negotiate for better salaries as you acquire more experience. It’s important to manage your expectations in the early days of your career, but that doesn’t mean you should always be willing to settle.

Final Thoughts

Bartending can be fun, lively work, particularly for outgoing types who love to meet new people. As a bartender, you’ll have experience that will stand you in good stead anywhere you choose to live and work. Whether it’s a stop-gap job or a long-term career, landing your first bartending job could be the springboard that propels you into the next stage of your life!

If you’re struggling to get your resume noticed, a VisualCV Pro membership can help you out. Pro membership gives you the tools to customize every facet of your resume, and can put you in touch with resume experts who can help you refine your application. Don’t delay – we’re ready to help today!

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