Start creating your CV in minutes by using our 21 customizable templates or view one of our handpicked Medical examples.
Join over 260,000 professionals using our Medical examples with VisualCV. Sign up to choose your template, import example content, and customize your content to stand out in your next job search.
Ready to start with your Medical Curriculum Vitae? See our hand picked CV Examples above and view our live Medical CV Examples from our free CV builder.
Medical CVs are written in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent work experience at the top and working backwards. Emphasize relevant work history with distinct headings and clear formatting - it should be easy to quickly scan your CV for relevant skills and experience. As many medical positions require an education, be sure to highlight your education and certifications.
The specifics of your CV depend greatly on the position you are applying to - you may be a Medical Assistant, Medical Receptionist, Medical Technologist, Medical Billing Specialist, Medical Secretary, Medical Laboratory Technician, Medical Office Assistant, or any of many different medical career titles. Your CV should be targeted to the particular position and institution you are applying to. Research the role and establishment to be sure that your CV is customized to best suit the position and impress the hiring manager. For tips on writing a CV, you may want to read our resume guide.
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