Executive CV Examples

Start creating your CV in minutes by using our 21 customizable templates or view one of our handpicked Executive examples.

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CEO CV Example and Template
CFO CV Example and Template
CEO CV Example and Template

How do I write an Executive CV?

To write an Executive CV, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Executive CV template.
  • Since Executive job hunts last longer, carefully customize your CV for each role that you apply to.
  • Connect your Executive skills with the job description and show your skills are transferable to the industry that you are applying to.
  • Show how you managed a board in the past , run an organization and built an amazing culture through your work experience in the CV summary section.

What is an Executive summary in a CV?

An executive summary in a CV explains your total years of executive leadership experience, your top achievements and skills.

What should be included in an Executive CV?

All Executive CVs must include the following:

  • Your top Executive skills.
  • Your past experience as an Executive and what you accomplished.
  • An Executive CV summary.

How many pages should an Executive CV be?

An Executive resume can be as long as three pages.

Executive CV summarry and profile

Ready to start with your Executive Curriculum Vitae? See our hand picked CV Examples above and view our live Executive CV examples from our free CV builder.

Clearly, what a great executive CV sample looks like depends on the type of executive. However, there are some similarities across the board. The best examples of executive CV's are professionally designed, and focus on accomplishments in past experiences. Executive CVs (depending on how much experience the candidate has) are traditionally longer than most CVs.

Executive CVs follow a traditional CV format - written in reverse chronological order.

An executive is someone who is either in the C-suite (CEO, CTO, COO), or the VP level.

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