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A profile with multiple facets and skills. I have international experience as researcher since 2009 in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and India. I have worked on topics such as soil contamination (copper), soil fertility & nutrient management in agroecosystems, soil organic matter chemistry and litter decomposition. Besides of that I have started an import of organic foods from Sri Lanka in order to approach food systems from another perspective. Finally, my diverse language proficiency (French, German, English, Spanish, Hindi and Sinhalese) allows me to be at ease in a multitude of geographic and cultural contexts.

Work experience

Post-Doc researcher

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

Testing of recycling P fertilizers (H2020 project LEX4BIO). Further research about soil fertility and crop production.

Managing Director


Lankaram ( imports and markets food products grown in diversified agricultural systems in Sri Lanka. Marketing a wide diversity of products from selected locations, direct contact with the producers and organic certification are the main pillars through which Lankaram intends to foster sustainable agriculture in South Asia.

Researcher & PhD candidate

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

FERTI-MINE: Development and testing of recycling fertilizers with nutrients recovered from secondary raw materials such as sewage sludge, agro-industrial waste, etc. Focus on P, Si, B and other micronutrients. Strong involvement in student supervision (BSc, MSc).

Research Assistant

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Research assistant in the frame of a long-term agronomic experiment in India.
Locations: Research institute of organic agriculture (FiBL, Frick, Switzerland), University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart, Germany) & BioRe, (Kasrawad, MP, India)



University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

Nutrient recycling, and testing methods for diverse fertilizers


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

Organic agriculture - Specialization in soil science, soil fertility and crop production


Université Paul Sabatier. Centre J-F. Champollion (Albi, France)

Management and treatment of water and waste

Technician degree

Lycée agricole Albi-Fonlabour (Albi, France)

Management of water supply and waste water treatments



For data analysis and plotting. Familiar with (nested) for loops with conditionals, multi-panel figures, etc. Always interested to learn more about this powerful and versatile tool.



English & German

English: my main professional medium. German: I live in Austria since 2005

Spanish & Hindi

Comfortable with day-to-day conversation, reading and writing


Basic conversation, reading and writing.

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