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Linkury's flagship product, the Smartbar, is a cutting-edge software development kit for anyone seeking to launch a website or a new product. It provides a complex and detailed infrastructure for developers, business owners or any other type of publisher who want to quickly and simply put up a website, without a full investment in software development and website research. The tool is a fully programmed and ready-to-use package, containing all the aspects necessary to create a website for a new product. The Linkury Smartbar is modifiable in over 70 languages, so a publishers’ global reach is almost limitless.

The concept of the Linkury Smartbar is that it arrives to your door fully equipped. The tool is based on white-label branding, which provides a complete template with a variety of options. The publisher who orders the tool receives a broad choice of games, widgets and gadgets to choose from. S/he picks and chooses the items that best fit the identity of the product and the vibe that best fits the site. Linkury’s Smartbar is a palette of options for any publisher, whether launching a new product or rebranding an existing one.

Not only is the publisher able to adjust the toolbar. Users are also able to interact with the Linkury Smartbar managed site, to personalize it to their user needs. New users can easily search the site and veteran users have saved searches, trending and other options that make any product easier to find and more available. The Smartbar also keeps users engaged, to help turn new users into regular visitors and eventually dedicated fans. Publishers are able to easily and quickly update their content, to ensure that it is relevant at all times.

The Linkury Smartbar is a cloud-based tool, which means that publishers are able to scale it to their needs as well as balance interaction loads. Working from the cloud lets Linkury be in charge of the complex maintenance, ensuring that the site is always available to users and, most of the time, there are no site failings. Not only does Linkury provide the maintenance on the cloud, it also offers publishers consulting and full support services. Linkury Smartbar specialists help publishers to optimize their smart sites and maximize profits. Being fully customizable, especially in user retention and assuring publisher satisfaction is Linkury’s main goal.

The Linkury Smartbar also comes with its own specially designed Analytics program. It is designed to work with the Smartbar as well as to be personalized by publishers and site owners. Linkury Analytics is a free addition to any Smartbar purchase, which provides detailed reports, graphs and tables to help business owners understand their users and user trends on their website. Linkury Analytics can also be specified to monitor particular geographic areas or particular periods of time or times of day. Publishers can monitor their site and their product according to their exact parameters of interest, and either independently or with Linkury’s full consulting support, better determine how to satisfy more users and monetize their product even more.

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