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Playing with Kids , Reading , Tennis , Friends , Family


A happy mother and natural caregiver, Anita Dizdar hopes to open up her own childcare center once the U.S. economy proves more welcoming to new businesses. She received licensure to do so from the State of Washington and holds professional experience in the field. As a new immigrant to the United States, Dizdar found her first employment as an assistant at a daycare, where she discovered that she derives great satisfaction from helping both parents and children. Later, in 2004, her father’s stroke necessitated that she oversee his care and rehabilitation, and Anita Dizdar once again found deep meaning in helping others. 

Anita Dizdar came of age in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a child, she demonstrated abilities in performing and competing as a member of the KUD Pelagic folk dancing center and athlete with a high-ranking handball team. As she grew up, many aspects of her life shifted due to her country’s experience with the traumatic effects of war. Anita Dizdar observed that many people forced to live without necessary resources under frightening circumstances demonstrated remarkable resilience, making sacrifices to support their communities. Though she and her family came to the United States during her 16th year, she carries these memories with her to this day. A passionate writer, Dizdar sometimes considers distilling her memories into a book. 

Today, Anita Dizdar channels her determined spirit into both professional and family roles. Outside of looking after her six-year-old daughter, she serves as a relationship manager with prominent bank KeyCorp. She attended Highline Community College in Des Moines, Washington, where she enrolled in paralegal and business administration courses and received an Associate’s degree.

Work experience

Relationship Manager



Nov 2000Jun 2005


Highline Community College

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